Prescribing Pharmacists

Prescribing Pharmacists

Your Medicine Shoppe Crowfoot pharmacists want to make it easier for you to access the health care services you need.

Our prescribing activities include:
Initial access prescribing- For treatment of minor ailments, or in urgent and emergency situations. Our pharmacist can make sure what you have access to exactly what you need.

Prescription modification- For dosage, regime, or duration modification, our pharmacists ensure the therapeutic treatment is correct for the individual in order to improve drug therapy.

Drug therapy management- For initiating, maintaining, and modifying drug therapy either on referral from your physician or upon request.

Injection prescribing and administration-For booster doses

Pharmacists work and prescribe within the scope of their understanding of the patient, and the condition being treated. Pharmacists may not prescribe narcotics, benzodiazepines, barbiturates, anabolic steroids, and other drugs regulated by the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act.
Our Medicine ShoppePharmacists rely on good communication between themselves and their patients to ensure they are fulfilling the needs of each individual. We work with the patients’ other health care professionals to ensure patient health and safety remain the top priority.

For more information, you can access the Alberta College of Pharmacists FAQ page here
Or contact us for all other questions you may have.

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