Diabetes Care Center

shutterstock_173815727Diabetes can be confusing and stressful and we want to help you get control!


Our one-on-one consultations for diabetes focuses on nutrition, lifestyle, medications, and testing your blood sugar. One of ur Certified Diabetes Educators will provide you with the latest information on diabetic care to help you find ways to better manage your diabetes.

Our comprehensive diabetes services are designed to educate you about diabetes and enable you to successfully manage your health. An educator can help you simplify all the information and help you set goals to manage your care. Our educator is able to adjust your medications, dosages and order lab tests as required and in collaboration with your healthcare team. We want you to control your diabetes and not the other way around.



We can provide:

Book an appointment today to talk with our Certified Diabetes Educator and let us can give you the confidence and support to live a healthy and active life with diabetes. Book your appointment today.


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